Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toys and TMNT

Some of our fondest memories from childhood revolve around toys. Many of my early interactions with toys however are quite forgettable. Anytime I played with one of my action figures (any guy in class will agree this is what they are called they are most certainly NOT dolls) one of the arms or legs popped off or I would lose my favorite due to my sisters flushing them down the toilet. Easily the best idea I ever had was holding one on a lamp light in my basement. I have no idea what I was trying to simulate but at three or four years old it seemed like an innovation. Without going into extremely detail melted plastic hurts and I suggest refraining from it. Let's face it though, the toys of the 90s are by far the greatest ever created. My parents can have the Easy Bake Oven and G.I. Joe. I'm totally fine with these:

Nerf Guns were pretty awesome. If you didn't have one you missed out. I used to fire these at my sisters and their friends any chance I got. Really the only drawback was the darts. Once either of my sisters got a hold of them they would rip the tails off or just crush them rendering useless. Just a side note I think the kid featured in this commercial is in the movie "Little Giants"

I feel like for a while this stuff really competed with Play-Doh. It had the weirdest texture ever and was just impossible to get out of carpets. My mom thoroughly regretted this purchase maybe 8 minutes after I opened the container. Oh remember how your hands smelled after you played with it? 

Easily took over my childhood. Without question one of my favorite piece of nostalgia from the decade. I really can't describe why but I just took to the turtles. Lot of good memories. I can still recite lines from the first movie. I get a craving for pizza every time I hear the theme song from the cartoon, which is also on my iPod. And in case anyone forgot, just go ahead a take a listen to the intro....


1 comment:

  1. Gak was a freaking GENIUS way for Nickelodeon to market their channel's goofy logo as a really disgusting toy for kids... I'll never forget that smell. If I remember correctly they sold scented Gak at one point and I had the pizza flavor. It ABSOLUTELY smelled like vomit, just like you'd expect.

    On the other hand, Floam was the coolest thing ever.
